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Last blog, we talked about the incidence of falls and mentioned some simple steps and strategies to help minimise fall risks. Let's focus on how our experienced Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapist help you stay steady on your feet.
Physiotherapy in Falls Prevention
Our Physiotherapist will carry out a comprehensive evaluation to identify fall risks, including your balance, strength, gait, functional mobility, medication effects, vision and reaction time. We will then designed tailored treatment program to improve your stability and preventing injuries. The aim of engaging in these special physical exercise programs is to increase strength, coordination, joint flexibility and spatial awareness, which can significantly decrease the risk of accidents involving slips and falls and promote overall well-being and independence.
Regular follow ups are crucial to monitor your progress and adjust the treatment plan to ensure you get the maximal treatment outcomes and stay safe at home.

Occupational Therapy in Falls Prevention
Our Occupational Therapist will first evaluate your home environment to identify and reduce potential risk and hazards by:
removing clutter and ensuring clear pathways
improving lighting in all areas of the home
recommending modifications such as handrails, non-slip mats
recommending adaptive devises and equipment such as raised toilet seat, shower chair
We can guide you and modify your activity patterns and behaviours to help you stay safe on your feet.
Our Occupational Therapist will recommend appropriate clothing and footwear for you to minimise falls risk, such as shoes with non-slip soles and avoiding long, loose clothing that can cause tripping.
Our Occupational Therapist also provide education about energy conservation and work simplification, assisting you in reviewing your daily routines and creating more effective plans within your capacities. We can help you break task into smaller and more manageable steps.
We can also provide recommendations for adaptive equipment for tasks like dressing and bathing.
By implementing all these strategies, individuals can effectively reduce their risk of falls and their associated consequences, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life.
Our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapist are dedicated to enhancing safety and wellbeing of individuals at home. By offering tailored falls prevention strategies and hands-on home care services, we empower you to live confidently and independently.